
Basketball Rules


Basketball Rules

Length of a Basketball Rules game. The game of basketball consists of four quarters lasting 10 minutes each. Each team plays one-way for 2 quarters and the opposite for 2 quarters.

There is a 2 minute break between the first, second, and third periods. Halftime will last 15 minutes.

Two one-minute timeouts may be called by coaches at any time during the first half, and three in the second.

The referee’s whistle will stop the clock. If free throws are being taken, it stops and begins again when the ball touches someone on court. So you have 40 minutes of actual basketball.

There are time limits for basketball

The basketball has five main rules that have time limits:

24-second rule

Each team is allowed to shoot for 24 seconds after they take possession of the ball. If they fail, possession is transferred to the opposite team.

Rule 8.2

If a player holds the ball in their own side or ‘backcourt,’ they have eight seconds to move the ball from the halfway line into the “frontcourt”. If they fail to do so, they will lose possession.

5-second rule

Closely guarded players holding the ball have five seconds to pass or advance it toward the hoop. If the call is made, the ball will be handed over to the other team.

Rule 3-second

A player may not be in the opposing’s rectangular “key” area below the basket for more than 3 seconds. If the player fails to leave the area within three seconds, it will be considered a foul.

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Different types of basketball violations

Basketball players can be punished for inflicting or fouling on another player.

  • Personal foul — it is when two opposing players make illegal body contact. These include charging, blocking and holding, as well as pushing, pulling, pushing, screening, hand checking, hand checking, blocking and hand using. A personal foul can lead to a player getting free throws, or a team losing possession.
  • Charging — a term that is used by an official when an attacker who runs with the ball straight into a defenseless player.
  • Blocking — If a defender has established legal guarding stances, a defensive player can’t stand in the way of or ‘block’ any dribbling players.
  • Holding — when an opponent makes personal contact to slow down their movements.
  • Illegal guarding — when an opponent bumps into one of the defenders from behind.
  • Pushing — it is exactly what it sounds like, and it applies even if the ball is not in the player’s possession.
  • Illegal Screening — A method to stop or slow down an opponent who has no control over the ball.
  • Hand-checking — when the defender uses their hands to grab an opponent or slow him down.
  • Illegal hand usage — when contact occurs on an opponent while they attempt to release the ball.

You can also infringe on basketball’s rules by:

  • Technical foul – These are against any player or coach who displays unsportsmanlike behavior, such as swearing at or arguing with a referee. This will result in at least one free kick and possession of your ball. A coach or player who receives more than two technical fouls is disqualified from the game.
  • Persistent fouling can lead to a player’s being removed from the match. Five fouls are grounds for a player to be kicked out of the game. However, they can be replaced.
  • Team foul – when a team has committed five or more fouls during a period. The opposing team gets two free throws.
  • Violation – any violation of the rules can include an illegal dribble and not releasing the ball in the prescribed time limit. The opposition takes possession.
  • Backcourt violation An attacking player may not cross the halfway line if he or she has advanced beyond the mark.
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Basketball scoring

The following are the points and scoring system for basketball

The position of the shot determines how many points it scores.

  • Outside of the three point line (3pts). When a basket has been scored from outside of the three point line, the maximum number possible is 10.
  • Within the three-point line (2pts). Every basket within the line earns 2 points.
  • Free throw (1pt). A throw from the free-throw line earns you one point. This is an unchallenged shot at a basket that is awarded after the opposition has committed a foul.

Types of basketball shot

  • Jump shot – A shot made while leaping in the air. The ball is released from the highest point of the ground. It is commonly used to shoot over defenders trying to block the ball.
  • Layup – A shot where a player moves towards the basket with the ball, and then rolls it off of his or her fingers into the basket.
  • Bank shot – A shot where the ball touches the backboard and goes in the hoop.
  • Slam (or Jam) — is a technique whereby a player throws the ball into he basket after jumping in mid-air.
  • Hook shot – This is a one-handed shot where the shooter faces the hoop sideways and arcs the ball over the opposing player to score.
  • Free throw is a free throw taken from the foul line after a foul.

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